ID: 2775
Smashing the Stones
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Lv.: 32
Asmodian Only

Destroy Tainted Guard Stones, collect their crystals, and take them to Greip. PlayerCollect Tainted Guard Stone Crystals in order for Greip to conduct comparison tests.
Greip found out something unexpected while conducing tests on the crystals you had given her. It seems the Wardstone Crystal is vulnerable to contamination.

She needed Tainted Guard Stone Crystals to understand the effects of the contamination. You destroyed several Tainted Guard Stones to collect their crystals.

Full quest's text:
Azphelumbra, Player.

We discovered something unexpected while conducting tests on the crystals you provided.

We were able to contaminate one of the crystal samples.

Player: "Which means?"

Which means the Tainted Guard Stone we've seen on the outer islands of the Garden of the Dead, The Shattered Temple, and the Garcikhan Stronghold may be more closely connected to these stones than we previously thought.

We need to check how seriously and by what the crystal inside the Wardstone is contaminated.

Please find and open the Tainted Guard Stones and collect the Contaminated Crystal Wardstones. Those should give us some very interesting information.

Player: Accept.

Please bring me several Contaminated Crystal Wardstones. A half a dozen test samples and a control should do nicely.

Oh, listen to me. I'm sounding more and more like a researcher the longer I stay out here. For my sake, please hurry.

Player: "On my way."

I've been waiting for you, Player.

Did you bring the Contaminated Crystal Wardstones? I'd like to finish the test today.

Player: "As requested."

I appreciate that you hurried back, but you didn't bring enough Contaminated Crystal Wardstones.

I will wait for you, Player.

Player: "I'll be back."

Excellent, you brought the Contaminated Crystals.

These look different from the previous crystals. But that's nothing conclusive. We'll get started on the tests right away.

Walk in Lord Azphel's shadow!

Basic Reward
icon 484 471 XP
icon x 28 900
icon x 100
Additional info
Quest giverGreip
Recommended level33
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Seeking the Crystals

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