ID: 30028
Noble Siel's Supreme Bow
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Lv.: 52
Elyos Only

Obtain the Noble Bow Components and bring it to Gefeios. PlayerObtain the Noxallon Ingot, a material that can restore the powers of the Siel's Supreme Bow.
Gefeios said he needed a special ore in order to restore the true powers of the Siel's Supreme Bow.

You went to see Honeus and received the Noxallon Ingot after doing him a favor. With the ingot, Gefeios turned your bow into a Noble Siel's Supreme Bow.

Full quest's text:
Daeva, I can restore this Siel's Supreme Bow to its original strength...but it won't be easy. It's very heavily damaged...seen one too many battles.

This is a Reian weapon, so only true Reian hands can repair it. Reian hands and Reian materials...

Because we share a common enemy, Player, I will repair this bow for you if you obtain the proper materials.

Player: "I'll find whatever you need."

The material I need is unknown to your people...and almost forgotten by my own.

Only one Reian I know still possesses knowledge of this material...and may possibly still have some. Will you find him and bring it to me?

Player: Accept.

His name is Honeus, and he is rich in the wisdom of forgotten years.

Have you ever heard of Noxallon Ingots? It's an ancient ore that was created when Lady Siel and Tiamat battled one another before the Cataclysm. The energy they produced was magnificent...turned coal into this ore.

Only Honeus now has this material. You will need to complete his task before he gives you a Noxallon Ingot. Bring it back to me once he gives it to you.

Player: "I will do as you ask."

Ahhh, Player, I was expecting you about this time.

I've been stoking the fire since you left...the herbs and ointments are ready to be administered.

Hand me the Noxallon Ingot and your Siel's Supreme Bow.

Player: "Here's the bow and ingot."

I don't know why I expected anything different from a Daeva, Player!

If you want your bow repaired, you must do as Honeus asks of you to receive the Noxallon Ingot. And remember--the two components must be in your Cube when you approach me.

Unfortunately, there is no simple way to restore your bow's power.

Player: "I don't have the Reian luxury of gripe."

Ah, this ingot is perfect, just as I had hoped. This will only take but a minute, Player.

(He melts the Noxallon Ingot in a furnace and carefully applies the molten liquid to the limbs of the bow.)

The ore ointment and herbs are mixing with the grain of the wood. As soon as it dries, it will be as right as rain.

Basic Reward
icon 6 517 414 XP
- Noble Siel's Supreme Bow
Additional info
Quest giverGefeios
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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