ID: 30454
Gotta Catch 'Em All
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Elementis Forest
Lv.: 58
Asmodian Only

Talk to Lumen. Collect Noble Fruit and take them to Lumen. PlayerSulos needs to figure out how to capture Glowing Spirits. Ask Sif, a Reian High Sorcerer.
Sulos was frustrated that analyzing the Quartz of Power would take too long, and asked you to find another way to capture Glowing Spirits.

You consulted with Lumen, a Reian High Sorcerer, who offered (somehwat condescendingly) to create a Magic Cage that could work.

At his request, you went to Macori Hill and got Noble Fruit for him. According to Lumen when you brought them back, you did... adequately.

Full quest's text:
Aion sunder this! The energy from the Glowing Spirits is like nothing I've ever seen. It'll take me years to analyze it properly.

There has to be a faster way to capture one. The cu... er, Reian knowledge depends on it!

I do know someone who may be able to help, however: Lumen, a great Sorcerer who lives right here in Kamar.

While I keep on my research, perhaps you can ask him if he has any ideas. Be warned: he's a tad... prickly. Don't pay it any mind.

Player: Accept.

Hm? What's that you say? Glowing Spirits, alive? You're not just toying with me, are you, [%userrace]? Because if you are....

Sulos, eh? Well, he's competent, so I... How to capture one? Hmm. I suppose a Magic Cage will do the trick. But I don't have all I need to make one.

Be a good Daeva, won't you, and kill Marconnut Lobbers on Macori Hill. Bring their Noble Fruit to me, and I'll do the rest.

Player: "Fine, but for Sulos, not for you."

...I'll get the keynote speech at the next conference for sure! Then we'll present to...

What? I didn't see you there! Your spying and sneaking has become tiresome. I was merely planning out how best to use this discovery.

I have everything I need to make a Magic Cage... except what I sent you for, of course.

Player: "Of course. Here it is."

Let's take a look.... Good. No apparent damage. Looks like you've acquitted yourself adequately here.

Wait here while I fashion the Magic Cage. I would appreciate complete silence. No interruptions!

Oh, and Sulos sent a message saying you should be rewarded somehow. I don't know if you deserve it, but take it anyway.

Basic Reward
icon 4 060 013 XP
icon x 154 800
Optional Reward
- Major Crit Strike Scroll
- Major Crit Spell Scroll
- Fine Anti-Shock Scroll
Additional info
Recommended level58
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Alliance] Spiritual Journey

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