ID: 3976
Legionary Letters
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 44
Elyos Only

Deliver Ulbert's Letter to Themis. Deliver Ulbert's letter to Themis in Theobomos.
Ulbert, a guardsman in Sanctum, enjoys his relaxing life but wonders about his old comrades from the Abyss. He asked you to deliver a letter to Themis in Theobomos.

When you reached Themis, she was thrilled to receive news from her old friend.

Full quest's text:
You young people. Always rushing back and forth. So restless, so energetic.

I remember when I was your age. I even fought in the Abyss for a few mortal lifetimes.

You'll feel differently soon enough, young one. There comes a time in a Daeva's life where action isn't the focus anymore. You get used to being immortal and want to pull back, enjoy your time.

Player: "Is that why you returned to Sanctum?"

Yes, it is. How perceptive! It's so peaceful here.

If I want a bit of a workout, I go to the Coliseum. If I hunger for a bit of knowledge or adventure, I read in the Library of the Sages. And if I start to miss military life, I swap impossible stories over ale at the Dionysia.

Ah, military life. I wonder how my old legion-mates are doing? Ever since we got back from the Abyss, we've been living in different places. Now that I'm thinking about it.... Would you happen to be heading to Theobomos? I'd like to write a letter to an old friend.

Player: Accept.

Thank you for helping an old Daeva remember his glory days, young one.

(He dashes off a note and puts it in an envelope.)

Here. Please deliver this to Themis. She ought to be in the Parched Barrens.

Player: "No problem, ancient one."

Halt! Report your name and destination.

Player: "Ummm...I have a letter for Themis."

Light for the shadows! Is this really from Ulbert?

I heard he'd gone to Sanctum, gone soft.... Smart guy, Ulbert.

This is great! I can't wait to read his letter at my next break.

Basic Reward
icon 2 954 681 XP
icon x 2 920
Additional info
Quest giverUlbert
Recommended level45
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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