ID: 41561
Raksha's Remorse
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Weapon Enchants
Lv.: 60

Slay Raksha, collect the Essence of Remorse, and bring it to Lumen. PlayerGo to Raksang, kill Raksha, and bring back the Essence of Remorse.
Lumen's task, as a favor to an alchemist, was to obtain the Essence of Remorse.

You battled Raksha in Raksang and took his Essence of Remorse. You traded it for a Trust Marble.

Full quest's text:
In order to earn a Trust Marble, I have a small errand for you. It's favor to an alchemist I know.

Go to Raksang, defeat Raksha, and bring me his Essence of Remorse. That's all.

Surely a strong [%userrace] Daeva like you should have no problems? If you cannot handle this, then how could you ever handle the power of the Magical Aether Crystal?

Player: Accept.

The Essence of Remorse could be used to create special potions and alchemy items that may turn the tide of the war.

Or so some say. We won't know until we get our hands on some.

I assume your presence here means you succeeded in your task?

Player: "But of course."

Well, well, well. Perhaps you are stronger than I gave you credit for.

But then again, perhaps not. At the very least, you did what you promised. You've earned a Trust Marble.

Unfortunately, one is not enough for the Magical Aether Crystal, so your tasks are not yet complete.

Basic Reward
icon 850 430 XP
- Trust Marble
Additional info
Quest giverLumen
Recommended level60
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Accepted quests:
Gaining Your Marbles

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