ID: 4319
An Eggs-acting Quest
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 26
Asmodian Only

Collect Arachna Eggs and take them to Jorund. PlayerGet Jorund more Arachna Eggs so that he can feed his family.
Jorund told you that he needed more Arachna Eggs to feed his family.

You went to Octanu's Lair and got the eggs for Jorund. He then thanked you for your help, and gave you a reward.

Full quest's text:
Om nom nom.... Oh, Player! Pardon my rudeness. No, that is definitely not a scrambled Arachna Egg.

Okay, it might be a scrambled Aracha Egg, but I have to eat too! I sent most to my family...just like I promised I would.... They sent their regards.

But now my wife just had another baby! My family keeps growing, and I'm worried they won't have enough to eat.

Player: "Let me guess...more eggs?"

Only if you have time to spare for a starving family...I mean, my youngest might perish, but I have many sons and daughters.

It would be great if you could lend a hand. You don't have a regular job like me, so you have plenty of time to fetch some eggs, right? I'm sure little Player will appreciate it. That's right, I'm proud to have a child who shares a name with such a venerable Daeva....

Of course it's true, Player!

Player: Accept.

My deepest thanks Player. Please, go to Octanu's Lair and bring me some Arachna Eggs.

I think about 7 eggs will be enough. Remember, the shells are fragile!

Player: "I'll be careful."

I hope my little Player is doing well, and the rest of my family. They would appreciate those eggs so much....

Well Player, were you able to get the Arachna Eggs?

Player: "Here, I brought them."

Oh, you haven't gotten them yet? It's no rush, Player. I'm sure my family can survive a bit longer....

But please get Arachna Eggs when you have time.

Player: "I'll be back."

Thank you, Player! My family will appreciate these eggs so much. Now...where's that skillet?

I mean...where's that packing crate?! Please take this as a reward Player. I hope it proves useful.

Basic Reward
icon 155 100 XP
icon x 3 700
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
icon x 6 400
- Suspicious Old Sack
Additional info
Quest giverJorund
Recommended level27
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Arachna Egg

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