ID: 80096
[Event] Pumpkins in Shades of Yellow
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 30
Elyos Only

Collect Yellow Soul's Lights and deliver them to Blair. PlayerCollect the Yellow Soul's Lights and deliver them to Blair...or things might go badly for you.
Blair asked...demanded that you bring her the Soul's Lights that her pursuers stole.

When you brought her the Lights, she seemed...ominous.

Full quest's text:
I believe I'm starting to like this place.... Everyone's so gullible! Err...kind!

Hello Player, I didn't see you there. Yes, thanks to you, I think I am beginning to figure out what I did wrong in my incantation.

Yes, so very close to figuring out what the Pumpkin King did to me...

Player: "Pumpkin King?"

Um, yes...didn't I tell you? The Pumpkin King Minis. He's...evil. He must be stopped! That's what I was trying to do when my incantation failed.

If I play my cards right this time, no one will escape! No one will thanks! For all the help the Daevas of Sanctum have given me. You are all so kind.

I just need one more thing. The Pumpkin King had Witch Hunters steal Soul's Lights from me. I need them back. Then, perhaps this nightmare will end! Will you help?

Player: Accept.

The more time I spend with you, Daeva, the more I like you.

Just defeat Professional Mage Souls, Professional Priest Souls, and Professional Witch Hunters.

Collect my beautiful Yellow Soul's Light from their rotting corpses!

Player: "Your beautiful soul's light? Hmmm..."

Yes...I'll make pie out of that pumpkin head! Pie! And I'll feed it to the birds!

Don't you just love pumpkin pie, Player? I'm planning on making one soon. Would you like me to save you a slice? Hmm?

Did you get the Yellow Soul's Lights?

Player: "Here, but I want two slices of pie."

Oh, these are wonderful! And mine! All mine!

No wonder that stupid Pumpkin King wanted to come here! These Soul's Lights are so potent! Like nectar.

Perhaps I'll tarry a bit longer here in Sanctum....
Where are my Yellow Soul's Lights?

Without those, I'll never be free! You do want me to be free...don't you? Hmm?

Now be a good little Daeva, and go fetch them for me. That's right...shoo!

Player: "Good little Daeva? What?!"

Basic Reward
icon 100 000 XP
icon x 50 000
- [Event] Witchy Mystery
- [Event] Sanctum Scroll
Additional reward (please select) when completed 10 times
- [Event] Enchanting Sorcerer Hat (7 days)
- [Event] Enchanting Sorcerer Gloves (7 days)
- [Event] Enchanting Sorcerer Shoes (7 days)
Additional info
Quest giverBlair
Recommended level30
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Event] The Essence of Yellow

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