ID: 80189
[Event] Wright Recommendation
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 99
Elyos Only

Dyrull gave you a letter that sent you to Kierus. Take the recommendation to Kierus.
Opening the recommendation letter from Dyrull caused the name "Kierus" to be revealed.

You brought the letter to Kierus and received a small reward.

Full quest's text:
(The parchment is adorned with the golden seal of the Wrights of Dawn.)

(The signature on the recommendation is illegible, but as you look closer, a name slowly spells itself out in silvery letters)


Player: "Interesting."

Did Dyrull send you? Or are you just lost?

Wait, what's that parchement you're holding?

Player: "Dyrull's recommendation."

Dyrull's recommendation? Then why is my name written there?

This isn't magic, nor is is spirit power. And now my name is gone. Hmm.

I don't know what just happened. Here's a little something for your time, at least.

Basic Reward
icon 1 XP
icon x 1
Additional info
Recommended level99
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Event] The Wrights of Dawn

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