ID: 203797
icon NPC
<Daeva of Melancholy>
Lv.: 40
HP: 8 686
Aggression radius: 10m

A Daeva of Melancholy in the Artisans Hall of Sanctum. She is always gloomy and complains about everything.

Oh, the nerve of that man! How could he...

Aah! Oh, I apologize. Please, don't mind me. I'm a little...distracted.

Can I help you with something? Please make it quick. I'm not really in the mood for company.

Player: "What's upset you?"

It's Demodocos. Have you met him? He's...a fortune teller. I made the mistake of asking him about my future. Well, apparently I will soon receive an order sending me to a remote border region of Atreia, where I will live out my days in loneliness and bitter isolation.

Sounds lovely, doesn't it? What's bothering me is... Well, I knew Demodocos before either of us ascended. We were from the same village and we weren't on good terms.

I think he lied. I wouldn't put it past him to lie about my future just to make me miserable even after all these years. A true prophetic Daeva wouldn't make up stories just to upset someone, though, would he?

Player: "Why didn't you ask someone else?"

They say Demodocos is one of the best fortune tellers of all time. It's said he even foresaw the Cataclysm that tore Atreia apart, and the war between our peoples.

Whether that's true or not, I don't like him as a person, nor do I trust him. Maybe it's something to do with his gift of sight. He seems to look right through you. Perhaps that's what makes me uncomfortable.

Go and see him if you're curious. He'll tell you your fortune, and he won't charge for it. He just babbles prophecies at all comers, even if he's never met them before.

Player: "Maybe I'll go see him."

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