ID: 798412
icon NPC
<Haute Couture Sales Associate>
Lv.: 45
HP: 10 712
Aggression radius: 20m

An upscale costume salesperson in the high class Costume Boutique. Everyone knows she is Daskin's favorite, which is why the rumors of an affair have passed around.

You think clothes are just for warmth and protection? Pish. That mentality is SO last year!

Look around us, Player. We're not eating dust and drinking from puddles anymore--we have fires and walls and masonry and FABULOUS rugs! Just look at those curtains!

Of course not all Daevas can pull off fancy clothes, but those who can.... We're head-turners, not neck-snappers. What do you think--are you one of us?

Something has gone wrong--very wrong. I can't do my job! Blast! Shards! Fie!

Please enter /petition in your Chat window and inform a GM.

I'm counting on you, Player, to help me.

Player: "Ill report my findings. Be well."

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