ID: 801120
icon NPC
<Redfang Squad>
Lv.: 65
HP: 246 945
Aggression radius: 20m
Magic Suppression: 817

A member of the Redfang Squad in Sauro Mountains who is investigating the Dragonbound.

The Dragonbound may be heretic fools, but I have to take them seriously. Care to help?

The Dragonbound are clearly our enemies, but I still wonder what could have possessed them to throw in with a snake god that, as far as we can tell, doesn't even exist.

What makes Ophidan so appealing? What power or prosperity does this cult promise? Can they be redeemed?

Until we can answer those questions, we just have to keep them in check, and you know what that means.

Player: "Uh... blood for blood?"

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