ID: 801207
icon NPC
Lv.: 50
HP: 14 614
Aggression radius: 20m

A Tribunus from the Asmodian Beluslan Protectors that came to stop the Hoarfrost Mau and the Elyos from capturing the sentry post. He guards the sentry post.

I've held posts like this against all manner of enemies, [%userclass].

I hope you're not here to tell me how to do my job?

I don't know that we'll ever get the smell of Mau fur out of this place.

Though I wouldn't mind a coat in this weather. Bah, a good fight keeps the blood just as warm. Am I right?

Let's scare up some Ellies or lizards, and see what happens.

Player: "I'll see what I can do. Keep warm."

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