ID: 831267
Rockroof Village Gardener
icon NPC
<Village Alliance>
Lv.: 60
HP: 17 845
Aggression radius: 20m

A Shugo who tends the garden in Rockroof Village. A fresh green scent wafts gently from the lush trees.

KEEP OFF FLOWERS! Er, Daeva! Excuse me. So sorry.

Poor Shugo tends flowers all day, for unappreciative, trampling Studio residents. Some children came through yesterday and picked a bunch of flowers. Naughty, bratty children! Nyerk!

Flowers ought to be appreciated with the eyes, and smelled with the nose. Not picked, and NOT TRAMPLED. I asked for assignment to nice, quiet place, but Village Improvement Society say "No - must work here".

Player: "Err, I'll stay off the flowers."

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