ID: 831282
Golden Sunset Village Gardener
icon NPC
<Village Alliance>
Lv.: 60
HP: 17 845
Aggression radius: 20m

A Shugo who tends the garden in Golden Sunset Village. The sunset here is the most spectacular in Pernon.

Nyerk, you're blocking the view.

Say, what comes to your mind when you watch the sunset? I see that golden hue and think of coins...loads and loads of glittering coins...flooding my sink, my countertop, my toilet... akakak.

But you can see how realistic that dream is. I'm a gardener. Nyerk, if I started growing flowers made of gold, I still won't make a single Kinah more.

But that golden hue sure is pretty...

Player: "Maybe... you should try watching sunrises instead."

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