ID: 1031
The Manduri's Secret
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Eltnen
Lv.: 19
Elyos Only

Talk with Aurelius. Hunt Manduri (6). Report to Aurelius. Talk with Archelaos. Find Paper Glider. Find Melginie. Escort Melginie to Celestine. Talk with Celestine. Report to Aurelius. Order: The Manduri have become increasingly violent and have started to attack the Eltnen residents. Meet Aurelius and see what needs doing.
Aurelius told you the Manduri had become violent and were attacking Eltnen residents, then asked you to cull their numbers. You returned to Aurelius, only to hear that Sentinel Archelaos had reported the appearance of paper gliders in the Manduri village. You were ordered to meet him and investigate it.

After finding a paper glider, you found out that a person named Melginie had been locked up in the Manduri Village food stores. You saved her and then learned that the Manduri were originally Humans.

Full quest's text:
I've always thought of the Manduri as hopelessly cowardly creatures, and yet they've mustered the courage to take shelter in one of our abandoned villages.

Usually, they hide on the periphery of our lands, and only attack lone travellers or injured creatures limping by.

Player: "And now they've taken a village?"

Odd, isn't it. They should know we'll try and take it back, yet there they are, acting as if they own the place.

Centurion Maximus says we can't spare any Guardians, but he suggests we gather a force of our own and drive them from the village without official support.

Player: "We can't leave them alone?"

No, of course not! The Manduri can't be allowed to impede trade routes to the Fortress!

And only think of appearances! A blatant disregard for Elyos rule right on the doorstep of the region's military heart? It simply will not do!

I want you to go to the village and kill as many of the Manduri as you can. Take a scouting party if you wish, and make those creatures know that we want them gone. That's all, [%userclass]. Faith and arms!

Player: "Faith and arms."

Back so soon? I'd hoped your reputation would prove itself, but you've exceeded even that.

You're done with the task I set you, I assume?

Player: "I am."

Very good. No doubt you have helped secure the safe arrival of our trading partners, and in turn, their coin.

Actually, while we're on the subject of the Manduri Village...there's something else I need you to do. It seems there's a Human trapped in there.

Player: "What?! How?"

We have no idea.

Archelaos, one of our scouts, has seen paper gliders flying by near the village. Now, we know the Manduri are incapable of making something like that, so I'm sending you to investigate.

Go and speak with Archelaos. He should be able to give you more details.

Player: "I'll leave right away."

Sorry. No time to talk.

Duty requires that I commit myself fully to the task at hand.

Player: "I came by to ask about the Manduri Vi..."

The Manduri Village?! Oh thank goodness!

I was worried sick that my reports would go unnoticed! I thought I was losing my mind at first, you know? Who sees paper gliders in a Manduri settlement?

Player: "Well, I've been sent to investigate."

And you! You''re Player aren't you? The [%userclass] everyone in the Fortress is talking about. My, my. Trust Aurelius to bring a greatsword to a dagger duel!

Well, I think you should first confirm that I've not lost my mind, and fetch one of those paper gliders. I've looked for them, but unsuccessfully.

Perhaps your luck will succeed where mine failed. Good luck!

Player: "Thank you."



Player: "Hmmm...."

Ah! At last!

You must have seen my little contraptions! And just in the nick of time, I was running low on paper!

Player: "How did you end up in there?"'s a long story....

The Manduri, you see, were once Humans. Years ago, Lady Yustiel gave the villagers unique powers and ordered them to protect Eltnen.

We were fools though...and ignored her orders. Eltnen suffered because of our neglect, and as punishment, Lady Yustiel turned the villagers into the Manduri you see today.

Player: "You said 'our neglect'. You were one of the villagers?"

Yes. The curse had no effect on me. So the villagers suspected me of betraying their neglect to the Seraphim Five. Eventually, they locked me in here.

Please, you must help me escape so that I can seek forgiveness from Lady Yustiel! Maybe then I'll be able to reverse the curse she placed on our people.

Take me to Celestine! Only she can grant me an audience with the Good Lady.

Player: "Let's go then."

What is it, Player?

I see you have brought someone with you.

Player: "Well, you see..."

I have served under Lady Yustiel for countless years, and never heard this tale of yours. However, I see no dishonesty in your eyes, and I'm forced to wonder why the Good Lady kept this secret from me.

I will speak to her, and I will see if she will receive your friend. You should tell Centurion Aurelius of your progress on his task.

Faith and arms, [%userclass].

Player: "Thank you. Faith and arms."

Ah, Player!

How did you get on? Did you find out who was responsible for the paper glider?

Player: "Well, you see..."

What?! The Manduri were once Human? That's astonishing!

It seems unlikely Yustiel will remove the curse. That would show weakness and indecision, and the Good Lady is known for neither.

I will have your findings documented, and our scouting parties and guards informed of the Manduri's origins. Here is your reward, Player. Such diligence and ability must be fairly rewarded.

Basic Reward
icon 134 505 XP
- Bronze Coin Chest
Optional Reward
- Aurelius' Shoes
- Aurelius' Boots
- Aurelius' Brogans
- Aurelius' Sabatons
- Aurelius' Magic Boots
Additional info
Quest giverAurelius
Recommended level21
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver

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