ID: 11504
Edible Research
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sarpan
Lv.: 55
Elyos Only

Cull the Plainsgrazer Braxes grazing on Ristiel's research (12). Talk with Ristiel. Plainsgrazer Braxes have been feeding on Ristiel's research. Dissuade them from continuing before her work is lost completely.
Ristiel, a Reian researcher, turned to you for help after seeing her work slowly being destroyed by migrating Braxes. You killed enough of them to force the others to scatter, thereby saving her work and earning her reward.

Full quest's text:
You know what they say: never work with animals, and never work with children. So what do I do? I come here, study the wildlife, and work alongside Shuos, thereby choosing both. I am drunk on my own stupidity, Player.

I've been breeding certain plant species, hoping to encourage certain traits to emerge as features. It's been going well, or rather HAD been going well. Then the Plainsgrazer Braxes rolled in, and started munching their way through my research.

I want enough of them killed so that the others scatter. Can you help, Player?

Player: Accept.

Ha! Maybe I should have bred my plants to that they would develop poisonous leaves, or thorns! I must look into that....

How did you do?

Player: "Well enough. The Braxes are gone."

Excellent! Thank you!

Don't feel sorry for them, Player. Braxes are remarkably resilient creatures, and will bounce back soon enough. Hopefully somewhere that isn't here.

Basic Reward
icon 3 871 731 XP
icon x 69 336
Optional Reward
- Greater Courage Scroll
- Greater Running Scroll
- Greater Awakening Scroll
- Greater Raging Wind Scroll
Additional info
Quest giverRistiel
Recommended level56
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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