ID: 14071
Hurdling for Truth
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Sarpan
Lv.: 55
Elyos Only

Talk to Kutos in Kamar. Talk to Garnon. Talk to Oriata in the Protector's Realm. Receive the first test from Yaci. Find Protector's Ancient Record and get the Zayedan's Record Fragment. Then report to Manyos. PlayerReceive the second test from Manyos. Pass the second test. Defeat Shulacks (5) Defeat Marabata Scout (3) Have Sutton check the results of the second test and then receive the third test. Defeat Drakan Soldiers and pass the third test (6). Report the results of the third test to Garnon. Talk to Oriata in the Protector's Realm. Put the Corrupted Idgel Cleanser on the Protector's Chamber Altar. Talk to Oriata in the Protector's Realm. Order: Talk to Kutos.
Kutos wanted to know more about the strange device that you obtained from the Dragonbound, so he sent you to talk to Garnon. Garnon said that the device could purify corrupted Idgel, so she sent you to Protector Oriata.

Oriata told you that if you wanted to know more about the Ide, then you would have to pass some tests she prepared. After passing Oriata's three tests and returning to her, she showed you the Corrupted Idgel Cleanser that she had repaired while you were gone. She also revealed that she was a Rune and that she was looking for someone to share her knowledge of the Ide with.

She then said that she had a special gift for the one who passed the tests and gave you the Power of Sealing. Oriata said that you'd soon find out the truth about the Ide and that you'll need the Power of Sealing.

Full quest's text:
I think you would want to know, Player, what it was that you on that Balaur Follower's body.

I've asked around, but we're not any closer to identifying it.

But one thing's for sure and it's that it's derived from the power of Ide. It's now contaminated, its original power, corrupted. Unfortunately, I won't be able to learn anything else.

Player: "The power of Ide?"

Yes. Even though it's contaminated, I can tell the power inside comes from Ide.

The Dragonbound could not have obtained this on their own.

They might have received it from the Balaur.

Player: "Agreed."

I'm a bit embarrassed that I made you wait and couldn't find out anything new. There might be another way if you want to know more.

There's a Reian who knows a lot about the Balaur and Ide. Her name is Garnon.

If I introduce you to Garnon, will you go to her?

Player: "Sure."

Very good. Garnon should be able to tell you more.

She can at the very least give you advice on what to do with the corrupted piece.

I hope you find the answers you seek.

Player: "Thanks for your help."

What can I do for you?

You look like you're here for answers. But there is no clear answer in this world.

Player: "Do you know what this is?"

What you've shown me is a device that purifies contaminated Idgel and makes it usable again. This device was corrupted and doesn't work anymore.

But you yourself may prove more illuminating than this device. You know how to use Idgel, the power of Ide. I can feel the Ide's power within you.

I can feel it concentrated in the weapon you carry.

Player: "My weapon?"

It must be the reason why he asked me to help you.

There's a story about a Daeva of Destiny who knows how to use a weapon imbued with the power of Ide.

There's someone you need to meet. Let me show you the way.

Player: "Am I being teleported?"

You know how to use the Ide's power. But you don't know much about it.

And that's why you're here.

Do you want to learn more about Ide?

Player: "Yes, I do."

You must be prepared if you want to know the truth about the Ide.

You're not ready yet.

Player: "How do I become ready?"

First, there's a series of tests that must be completed to find the truth. Complete these tests and then return here.

Go to Yaci.

He will tell you about the first of these three tests.

Player: "Sure."

I'm coming along in my research, but it's still not good enough.

I heard that the origin of the Jotun have been discovered in Katalam.

I may put in a request to go to Katalam and continue my research there.

Player: "But I have these tests..."

Oh, so Oriata's sent you here.

The first test is to find the Protector's Ancient Record scattered all over the place.

After finding the Zayedan's Record Fragment in the Protector's Ancient Record, look at them carefully and then bring them to Manyos to get your next test.

Player: "This sounds like a lot of work."

It was unfortunate to see Zayedan's Record get scattered around.

Have you had a chance to read it? Oriata stresses that the one taking these tests must read between the lines very closely.

Player: "Here you go."

Good. I shall accept these fragments as proof that you've passed the test.


Now, prepare for the second test.

Player: "Yay me."

We're moving on quickly to the second test.

Are you ready?

Player: "I'm ready."

Display your skills by defeating the Shulacks and Marabata Scout nearby.

Report the outcome to Sutton. Good luck.

Player: "Crossing my fingers."

If you're here for the test, then welcome!

I've been waiting for you.

Player: "Here are my test results."

You have successfully passed the second test. Now it's time for your final challenge.

Your final test consists of destroying the Satra Legion Soldier Level 1.

Defeat them and return to Garnon to report your results.

Player: "Bring it on."

Oh, you're back.

Tell me the results.

Player: "Here are my test results."

You've completed all the tests assigned to you.

Now, you must go back and report on your success.

I'll send you straight to her as soon as you're ready.

Player: "I'm ready."

Now that you've returned, let me ask you.

Do you think you have proven yourself?

Player: "Yes, I do."

This used to be an Idgel Purification Device.

Put the Corrupted Idgel Cleanser on the Protector's Chamber Altar.

I will answer all your questions later.

Player: "I understand."

By now, you must be wondering who I am and how do I know how to use the Ide.

You may have even figured out my identity from clues from Zayedan's Record.

Ask me now, if your suspicions are true.

Player: "Are you one of the Danuar?"

I was able to fully restore the Idgel Purification Device you brought. I'll keep it for the time being, since you don't need it right now.

What you'll actually need for the future is the Power of Sealing.

And now that you've proven yourself, I am going to share something with you.

My memories...hidden truths.

Player: "Hidden truths?"

The truth you desire about the Ide.

The truth about the past, the truth that dominates the present, and the truth necessary for the future.

You will come to see all these truths.

Player: "I'm not scared."

You're the one that I have chosen.

Everything that happens to you from now on will have special meaning.

And I will be right beside you.

Player: "I'm listening."

Go to Garnon's Secret Chamber at Tiamaranta.

There, you'll find me in another form. It was created so I could tell you the truth. I arranged it this way.

You will find the first key towards finding the truth of the present in Tiamaranta.

Basic Reward
icon 39 395 438 XP
- Empowered
- [Souvenir] Kahrun Bust
- Killios' Armor Chest
- Sarpan's Accessory Chest
- Killios' Cipher-Blade
Additional info
Recommended level57
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassTechnist, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Clue After Clue

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