ID: 18411
[Group] Heart of Drazma
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Esoterrace
Lv.: 50
Elyos Only

Get Drazma from one of the Esoterrace Laborers and take it to Derna. PlayerThe Wisplight Legion needs a piece of Drazma from a special Dracuni in the Esoterrace. Find one and take it to Derna.
Derna requested that you hunt a special Dracuni embedded with Drazma at the Esoterrace.

After scouring the Esoterrace, you found the Dracuni and took its Drazma back to Inggison, where Derna rewarded your success.

Full quest's text:
The Esoterrace produces many...materials of concern to the Seraphim Lords. It's time to raid their Drazma.

We still don't quite understand how Drazma works as a mutative agent, especially how it affects animate objects.

So this mission has double purpose: to deprive the Balaur and to gain samples for future study.

Player: "Sounds simple enough."

You would think so, but our needs are more specific. You see, there appear to be Dracunis at the Esoterrace MADE of Drazma.

From what we know of the substance, that should be impossible. But the Esoterrace's Drazma seems to be unique somehow.

That makes getting Drazma from Esoterrace Laborers especially important.

Player: Accept.

Unfortunately, I cannot say which Dracunis you should be targeting. They will look the same as normal ones.

The only way to tell is to fight them. The Drazma-embedded ones will be noticeably stronger.

And, of course, you'll be able to tell by the Drazma you cut from their corpses.

Player: "Guess I'd better make lots of corpses."

The more I think about the Esoterrace, the more I loathe it. Especially since it sounds like it was once a beautiful place.

In Ariel's name, we will restore it to its former pristine state, and drive Tiamat's foul stench out forevermore.

Examining the Drazma will be just one of many steps towards that goal. I assume you've brought some?

Player: "So I have."

I know it's difficult to find. With so many Dracunis wandering about, it's like trying to find loose Kinah at a Shugo conference.

But we know they exist. I trust our intelligence on this matter. There's nothing to do but be persistent.

Having that Drazma will increase our knowledge of the Balaur substantially. This is an important task.

Player: "And I'm treating it as such."

Hmmm, yes, as we thought.... This definitely doesn't look or feel like any Drazma we've encountered before.

This will be safely stashed and taken to Sanctum for further study. The scholars will have a field day.

I have a reward for your hard work. Please continue your efforts on behalf of Sanctum and the Seraphim Lords.

Basic Reward
icon 6 835 261 XP
icon x 870
Additional optional reward when completed 20 times
- Platinum Medal
Additional info
Quest giverDerna
Recommended level55
Repeat count20
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Group] Dratamin! Foiled Again!

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