ID: 18611
The Crying Jewel
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Heiron
Lv.: 37
Elyos Only

Gather the materials needed to refine the Jewel of the Judge and bring them to Ukon. PlayerUkon said he would refine the Jewel of the Judge for you if you brought him the needed items.
Ukon said that Kromede's Tear would be good for strengthening the Jewel of the Judge, and he said he would do it for you if you found the needed items.

You trusted him and gave him Kromede's Tear and the Jewel of the Judge. He kept his word and improved your weapon into Kromede's Jewel.

Full quest's text:
What were you planning on doing with Kromede's Tear? Wearing it around your neck is...rather gaudy, Player.

If you melt it down and coat the Jewel of the Judge with it, it'll be the most powerful jewel you've ever handled!

Player: "How?"

Well, you'll need three things: Kromede's Tear, the Jewel of the Judge, and a very talented blacksmith.

You already have the first thing and, now that you found me, you have the third thing. You just need the Jewel of the Judge. If you can get that, I'll take care of the rest.

Player: Accept.

You should be thanking Ariel that you happened to find me, Player.

I truly am one of the finest blacksmiths in all Elysea. Legendary, some even say. I can even tell you where to start looking for the jewel.

I heard rumors that Kromede the Corrupt at the Fire Temple in Asmodae has it.

Player: "You're a very helpful blacksmith, Ukon."

Did you bring the Jewel of the Judge, Player?

Give me the jewel and Kromede's Tear, and I'll start working.

Shouldn't take long at all....

Player: "Here's everything you need."

Are you worried that I'll damage the Jewel of the Judge?

I...I'm the most famous blacksmith in all Elysea, and you really think that I'll damage it? Have some faith, Daeva.

Just give it to me with Kromede's Tear and I'll show you! They'll both need to be in your Cube too. Can't work on the jewel if it's sitting in your hands, can I?

Player: "Jewels and blacksmiths don't mix."

Whew! That was a lot of work for such a small jewel! Stronger than it looks!

But it's finished...take it. Kromede's Jewel is complete.

Go in her light now, Player.

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Jewel
Additional info
Quest giverUkon
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Nightmare in Shining Armor

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