ID: 19072
The Esoteric Book of Space
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 25
Elyos Only

Deliver the Esoteric Book of Space to Oakley. Deliver to Oakley the Esoteric Book of Space that Brynner gave you.
Brynner asked you to deliver a book to Oakley that contains the secret skills of Gunslingers passed down from Lord Israphel.

Upon meeting you, Oakley said she had heard a lot about you, but immediately let you know who was the master and who was the student.

Full quest's text:
I have a simple task for you, Daeva.

It might seem strange to you now, but Lord Israphel once had much to teach us about the properties of space. It was his research that led to our particular skill set.

I borrowed one of the fruits of that research, and I need it returned.

Player: "Of course."

All volumes of Esoteric Books of Space are kept by Oakley in Protectors Hall. This volume is fairly elementary and will be of little use to you.

Return it to her, will you? And while you're there, you might see whether she has anything that's more your speed.

Player: Accept.

I would teach you myself, Player if I could, but just because I know how to sling aether doesn't mean I can teach you everything about it.

Anyway, take the book to Oakley at Protectors Hall. She'll know what to do with you.

Player: "Will do."

What is it, Player?

I don't have time for fun and games.

Player: "Brynner thinks you can teach me something."

This old thing, huh? I thought I'd never get it back. Not that I need it--the whole thing's memorized.

I've heard of you, Player. They say you've got real skill, and if Brynner sent you here, it must be true. But let's get one thing straight: you don't have anything on me.

I can teach you Lord Israphel's secrets about space. But can you learn them? That's the question, [%userclass].

Basic Reward
icon 134 338 XP
Additional info
Quest giverBrynner
Recommended level25
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassTechnist, Gunslinger, Aethertech

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