ID: 19073
The Esoteric Book of Time
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 25
Elyos Only

Deliver the Esoteric Book of Time to Dion. Deliver the book that Mayu gave you to Dion.
Mayu was in the midst of composing an epic about you, but stopped to ask you to deliver to Dion a book that contains Lady Siel's secrets about the nature of time.

Dion said that to be a better Daeva, you should learn all the lessons in the Esoteric Books, and that he would help you to become an even more powerful Songweaver.

Full quest's text:
I have almost finished my composition in honor of your glorious tale of ascension! Would you like to hear a bit of it?

"The Daeva fell from glory far, descended from that burning star, and found themself a mortal, true, but stronger still than me or you."

Our skills come from ancient songs. Did you know that? And even as we compose new ones to last the ages, it behooves us to study the old to improve our skills on the field of battle!

Tell me, have you heard of Dion?

Player: "I haven't. A famous composer?"

No, but an instructor to them. I learned from him myself.

He has an appointment as the Songweaver Preceptor in Protectors Hall. There he collects all of Lady Siel's teachings on time into Esoteric Books to instruct budding [%userclass]s such as you.

I have one here, and I thought you might carry it on pure wings to him. It wouldn't hurt your prospects to meet him as well.

Player: Accept.

I promise you that you already know all that this book has to teach you, but Dion can teach you so much more!

Hurry to Protectors Hall, Player! Allegro!

Player: "I fly!"

Music moves our souls, of course. But [%userclass]s know that weaving aether into our songs allows us to wield unimaginable power.

Siel's knowledge moves us all, Player, even if she is gone. It boosts our friends' morale and lowers our enemies' resolve.

But you know this, don't you?

Player: "Mayu sent me with this."

Ah, yes. Mayu. And how is my finest student? Still trying to compose a great masterpiece?

Mayu must learn to revel in the support and uplifting of others. Until that happens, Mayu's music will always lack for power.

You, on the other hand, Daeva... You I could teach, it would seem. Perhaps you will become an even greater [%userclass] than I.

Shall we begin?

Basic Reward
icon 134 338 XP
Additional info
Quest giverMayu
Recommended level25
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassMuse, Songweaver

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