ID: 1954
Nuts to Denegos
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Lv.: 25
Elyos Only

Go to Reshanta and deliver the chopped rutas to Denegos. Deliver the chopped rutas that Hestia gave you to Denegos, a general goods merchant in the Teminon Landing in Reshanta.
Hestia asked you to deliver a package to Denegos, a general goods merchant in Teminon Landing.

You delivered the package and received a reward from Denegos.

Full quest's text:
Too often the kitchen is hidden at the back of a building, as if the preparation of food is something to be ashamed of. Good food does not just appear, delicately arranged and garnished. Its character is formed by the ability of the chef, the experience infusing each mouthful with subtle nuances of flavor.

But you already know this. Hidden behind the dutiful [%userclass] is a promising young cook. The scent of culinary talent is unmistakable to an old hand like me.

I'm so glad you continue to visit me. It shows your dedication to the culinary arts. And today I have a favor of a different sort to ask of you.

Player: "How can I help?"

I have a package that needs delivering. It's nothing too big--just some chopped Ruta--but it's essential that it is taken the Abyss

Don't worry! It's only a quick delivery, so no need to linger if you are anxious to get back!

Player: Accept.

Good, good! That doesn't surprise me. Not a bit.

Such a small delivery might seem pointless to one who doesn't understand the finer points of cooking. Denegos is preparing a feast and will surely be grateful.

Player: "I assure you, I'll handle it."

Ah, welcome! What is it you need? I have all manner of sundries here, whatever suits your palate...anything except rutas.

Wait...what's that I smell? Is it...

Player: "Rutas."

Oh, this is most fortunate! Thank you for bringing these! You have no idea how anxious I've been.

Any longer and I would have had to start looking for alternate ingredients. The Abyss is not known for its abundance of edible flora and fauna.

Basic Reward
icon 155 871 XP
icon x 30 970
icon x 550
Additional info
Quest giverHestia
Recommended level26
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Chopped Ruta for Frying Supplies

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