ID: 20061
Powering On
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Tiamaranta
Lv.: 58
Asmodian Only

Talk with Adella. Scout out the Gravity Well [%5]. Destroy the Fragmented Gapemaw [%8]. Retrieve the power source from the Rift Gap [%11]. Head to Garnon's Secret Chamber, and report back to Garnon. Order: The Reian Tribe has new information about the Hearts. Meet Adella.
Adella mentioned a plan to install monitors on the hearts of Tiamat's power. The monitors had been created but still needed a suitable power source to function properly.

You were pointed toward the Gravity Well, where you found a huge creature known as a Fragmented Gapemaw. You destroyed it and gathered the power core it carried before returning to Garnon for your reward.

Full quest's text:
It seems as though our first attack on Tiamat's heart has failed miserably. But we never got anywhere by giving up. We'll pull back, consider our options, and attack again.

This time, we've decided to study the hearts by creating monitors. They will observe the hearts and report their findings. We'll hopefully have enough information to fight not harder, but smarter.

Player: "So then, what needs doing?"

Ever helpful, aren't you, Player?

The monitors that have been designed are ready, save for a power cell. According to our scientists, the monitors require something quite powerful to run them, and we've identified a creature wandering about the Gravity Well as suitable fodder.

All we need now is someone to defeat the creature...

Player: "I'll leave now."

Ha. Tiamat's taint is all over this little stone. How interesting!

This will certainly work as a power cell, Player. We'll have to adapt our monitors, but I'd sooner do that than find an alternative energy type. Now we can plant this on one of the hearts, and work out a way to finally claim them!

Thank you for your trouble!

Basic Reward
icon 15 165 823 XP
Optional Reward
- Tiamaranta's Gloves
- Tiamaranta's Vambrace
- Tiamaranta's Handguards
- Tiamaranta's Gauntlets
- Tiamaranta's Magic Vambrace
Additional info
Quest giverGarnon
Recommended level59
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
The Four Hearts

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