ID: 21510
Fruit of Many Labors
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sarpan
Lv.: 56
Asmodian Only

Gather Hard Fruits from the Carnivorous Ampha in the east oasis of Kamar Outskirts. PlayerBring them to Tanitia. Tanitia needs you to gather some fruit. Prepare yourself.
Tanitia insisted that her plan required fruit, and sent you to gather the fruits of the Carnivorous Ampha.

She neglected to warn you that the Ampha was violent. She also neglected to warn you that the fruits smelled like if a Hornskull gorged on so many Mela that it exploded and then mouldered in the hot sun for a week.

You were eager for her next assignment.

Full quest's text:
Okay, my next plan is pretty simple.

Go gather some Hard Fruits from the Carnivorous Amphas. There are a bunch growing in the desert oasis in the Kamar Outskirts.

I'll explain later. Hurry!

Player: Accept.

You're back! Player, you look like you've been dragged through a Balaur garrison. Oh--I guess I forgot to tell you that the Amphas can be a bit violent.

Whew! You must have been successful. I can smell those Hard Fruits from here.

Oh, it's awful. Uck. It's like someone ate a pair of dirty socks, and threw them back up onto a fire.

Player: "No, it smells like overripe melon stuffed into sausage casings and then incinerated."

Ugh. Like a dead Brax dropped in a sulphuric volcano crater that's also full of old banana peels.

But this is great.

If we can stand the smell, we'll have a clear path to the Petralith fragments!

Basic Reward
icon 4 432 902 XP
icon x 257 278
Optional Reward
- Greater Courage Scroll
- Greater Running Scroll
- Greater Awakening Scroll
- Greater Raging Wind Scroll
Additional info
Quest giverTanitia
Recommended level57
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Altar-ed Petralith

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