ID: 23337
[Group] Ring around the Dragons
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Danaria
Lv.: 64
Asmodian Only

Spy on the Pashid Legion Siege Troop Camp. Annihilate the Pashid Cavalry. (9) Obtain the [%dic:STR_DIC_I_QUEST_23337A] from Pashid Supply Captain and take it to Helga. PlayerTalk with Helga. Make a full round of Beritra's supply base and execute Helga's reconaissance mission.
Helga gave you a mission that involves scouting the Siege Weapon Supply Base, annihilating the cavalry troops, and obtaining data on the Beritra army's war materials.

When you returned after carrying out the operation successfully at the Beritra supply base, Helga thanked you and wanted to throw a celebration in honor of your safe return.

Full quest's text:
The Pashid Legion's 1st Unit, Beritra's elite troops, just started moving.

Time to mount a counterattack. But I need your help before we do.

Player: "What's the plan?"

It will require all your skills. First, go to spy on the Pashid Legion Siege Troop Camp and assess the situation there.

Next, attack the Pashid Cavalry, the core strength of Pashid Legion's 1st Unit, to undermine their morale.

Finally, we want to know if they can last long in the field. Kill Pashid Supply Captain and bring me the [%dic:STR_DIC_I_QUEST_23337A].

How's that sound for a plan?

Player: Accept.

Excellent! The Pashid Cavalry and Pashid Supply Captain are the best of the best, so stay on your guard at all times and don't underestimate them.

Also, I know you're the great hero that everyone talks about, but this will go easier if you bring some friends you can trust along with you.

Blood for blood, Player.

Player: "Blood for blood."

Back again, I see! And none the worse for wear...

Did you even make the full circuit? Well? Report.

Player: "Here's what we're facing...."

All that, huh? Well, it's no Abyss, but it won't be a tart walk either.

The most important thing is that you got the Beritra Army War Materials List. Now we know how well provisioned they are and how long they can maintain their army in the field.

Player: "That will be good to know."

Of course we do, but there are always fights to be had, Player. We may not live to see another roast Airon though, and I intend to die with a protruding belly and a smile on my lips.

Oh! And here's your reward. It's not much, but after all, this is war.

Basic Reward
icon 6 031 468 XP
- Blood Mark
- Fragmented Ceramium
Optional Reward
- Superior Life Serum
- Superior Mana Serum
Additional info
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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