ID: 28610
Judge's Tear-Soaked Dagger
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 37
Asmodian Only

Claim the Dagger of the Judge and bring it to Walter. PlayerWalter thinks he can improve a powerful weapon with Kromede's Tear. Find the Dagger of the Judge.
Walter said Kromede's Tear can be used to bolster a powerful weapon owned by Kromede: the Dagger of the Judge.

You obtained the dagger and gave it to him, along with Kromede's Tear. Walter fused the two and gave you a strengthened weapon, Kromede's Dagger.

Full quest's text:
You know, Player, Kromede's Tear may be a mighty fine necklace, but you can't kill a Drakan with it.

But thanks to the materials it's made with, it has a special connection to one of Kromede's weapons.

All I have to do is put the two together, and you have a force to be reckoned with!

Player: "A connection...?"

Right. The Dagger of the Judge is the weapon I'm talking about.

Alone, they're powerful enough. But put them together, and the result will take you to new heights!

All you have to do is get the Dagger of the Judge, and I'll do the rest! What do you think?

Player: Accept.

I was hoping you'd say that! This'll prove to the world that I'm one of the top smiths in Asmodae!

As for the Dagger of the Judge, the real Kromede the Corrupt has it.

She's at the Fire Temple in Morheim. It may be a bit weird for you, but you can do it.

Player: "'Weird' is one word, yes."

I hope you don't feel too bad. If what you told me is true, Kromede's been consumed by grief and hate.

If she was innocent before, she isn't anymore. She's a threat that needs to be dealt with.

Did she have the Dagger of the Judge like I said? If so, I can start the process.

Player: "Then get it started."

Not without everything in order.

Remember, I need both Kromede's Tear and the weapon in your Cube when you come to me. Otherwise I won't be able to work.

Otherwise, you'll need to defeat Kromede the Corrupt for the Dagger of the Judge.

Player: "Understood."

Watch this. You'll never see a finer display of skill than this.

Hah! Har! Ho! Whew, those sparks certainly flew.

And I think it turned out pretty well. Try out Kromede's Dagger and see for yourself.

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Dagger
Additional info
Quest giverWalter
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Assassin, Ranger

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Into the Unknown

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