ID: 28631
Judge's Flame-Heated Jewel
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 37
Asmodian Only

Collect materials to refine the Jewel of the Judge and bring them to Walter. PlayerWalter said he'll refine the Jewel of the Judge for you. Bring him the Jewel of the Judge and Kromede's Flame.
Walter said Kromede's Flame could be used to reinforce the Jewel of the Judge, and asked you to bring him both items.

You gave him Kromede's Flame and the Jewel of the Judge, and he kept his word, giving you Kromede's Jewel.

Full quest's text:
Wait, come back, Player. You're not planning to WEAR that Kromede's Flame, are you?

That would be like carrying around a Stigma Stone in your cube. Pretty, but pointless.

Instead of that, why don't you use it to reinforce the Jewel of the Judge?

Player: "Jewel of the Judge?"

Exactly, the Jewel of the Judge. A legendary item, but it can be made more potent with Kromede's Flame.

Of course, you'll also need a blacksmith, but I think I can squeeze you in between jobs.

You get me the Jewel of the Judge, I'll make it better. Promise.

Player: Accept.

A fine decision. Now, as to that Jewel of the Judge....

I heard someone whispering that Kromede the Corrupt in the Fire Temple has it.

I don't know if that's true, but you might want to check it out. It would seem to make sense. Her being a Judge and all.

Player: "Indeed it would."

Ah, you're back. I guess you've got the Jewel of the Judge with you?

Don't weep for Kromede.... She's been taken over by grief and hate. She doesn't deserve your compassion anymore.

But that's neither here nor there. Give me the Jewel, along with Kromede's Flame, and then step back.

Player: "I'm trusting you...."

You think I might mess up the Jewel of the Judge? Impossible!

See those weapons that the Daevas of Flame carry? I made them all. I was a bit rusty at first, but now I'm pretty good at my job.

Return to me when you have the Jewel of the Judge and Kromede's Flame in your Cube and I'll prove it!

Player: "In my Cube. Got it."

Hmmm...this looks hard. I changed my mind. I don't want to do this.

Wait...what's this behind your ear? Oh look, it's Kromede's Jewel!

Didn't even see me do it, did you?

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Jewel
Additional info
Quest giverWalter
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Into the Unknown

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