ID: 28646
Judge's Tear-Soaked Cipher-Blade
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 37
Asmodian Only

Collect materials to refine your Judge's Cipher-Blade and take them to Walter. PlayerWalter said he'll refine your Judge's Cipher-Blade. Bring him the Judge's Cipher-Blade and Kromede's Tears.
Walter said Kromede's Tears can be used to reinforce Judge's Cipher-Blades and asked you to bring him one.

You gave him Kromede's Tears and the Judge's Cipher-Blade. Fortunately, Walter kept his word and created Kromede's Cipher-Blade.

Full quest's text:
Wait, Player. What are you doing with that?

The Kromede's Tears I gave you can be worn as a necklace, though they're far too valuable for that.

Smelt them and coat them onto the Judge's Cipher-Blade to improve its performance.

Player: "How do I do that?"

Reinforcing a Judge's Cipher-Blade requires three things.

Kromede's Tears, the Judge's Cipher-Blade, and a talented blacksmith. You have the tears, but not the Cipher-Blade and...

Just bring me the Judge's Cipher-Blade. I'll do the rest myself.

Player: Accept.

Consider yourself lucky. Not everyone in Asmodae is skilled like I am.

Go bring me the Judge's Cipher-Blade.

I heard that Kromede the Corrupt in the Fire Temple of Morheim has it.

Player: "That Cipher-Blade will be mine."

Did you bring me the Judge's Cipher-Blade?

Give me the Judge's Cipher-Blade and Kromede's Tears.

I'll refine the Cipher-Blade right away.

Player: "Here you go."

I told you that I need both the Judge's Cipher-Blade and Kromede's Tears to refine the weapon.

Why won't you hand the weapon over? It's not going to refine itself.

Trust me and hand over your Judge's Cipher-Blade and Kromede's Tears.

Player: "All right, I'm trusting you."

That was a lot of hard work. I haven't been that focused in a long time.

Take it. You'll love it, I promise.

Ah, I'm tired, I need some rest. You can go now.

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Cipher-Blade
Additional info
Quest giverWalter
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Into the Unknown

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