ID: 30455
[Alliance] Jurdin's Release
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Elementis Forest
Lv.: 58
Asmodian Only

Talk to Jurdin's Illusion. Defeat Jurdin the Cursed [%5]. Talk to Jurdin Purified. Talk to Andvar. Jurdin, Protector of Elementis Forest, was put under a curse. Fight him to break the curse.
Andvar told you that Jurdin, a Trico that protects Elementis Forest, was cursed by Zadra.

To defend the forest and its Luminous Sapling, you fought Jurdin and defeated his shadow to break the curse.

You returned to Andvar, who showed the deepest of gratitude for your aid.

Full quest's text:
A Daeva... here? Aion... has truly sent... a miracle. Elementis Forest... needs you.

Forest Protector Jurdin.... He has protected us... and the Luminous Sapling... since time remembered.

But the Drakan... has cursed him. Where once a friend... now a scourge... in terrible agony, haunted by... his own dark shadow--his fear... his guilt... given life.

You must destroy that shadow... to save Jurdin. Please, Daeva... return our protector... to us. Defeat Jurdin... and lift his curse.

Player: Accept.

Help.... I can't... control myself....

I feel my soul... turning dark. The curse is... eating at me!

Repeat... these words.... It's a purifying spell.... Hurry...!

Player: "By Aion's light, let this soul be cleansed!"

Free! I... I am whole once more.

You have restored my... hope. Hope that Elementis will one day... be pure once more, just as I am now.

You have saved me.... You have saved the forest.... Thank you....

Player: "I'm glad you're all right."

Then the Luminous Sapling... and the forest... is safe once more.

Jurdin bursts... with gratitude... for your kindness. As do... I.

Our wounds... will soon heal. We will remember... this for as long... as the forest stands.

Basic Reward
icon 7 511 025 XP
- Kahrun's Symbol
Additional info
Recommended level58
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Alliance] Key to the Manor

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