ID: 39615
[Daily] The First Step's a Lulu
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Silverine Ltd.
Lv.: 63
Elyos Only

Eliminate the Luluba Tribes raiding trade convoys (10). Report to Silverine Danaria Branch. Silverine Ltd. has sent a work order. Check the details and complete the mission.
Silverine Ltd. delivered a work order to you.

After ensuring the safety of Silverine's trade shipments, you reported to the Danaria branch and learned that there may be some kind of betting pool going on whether or not you will succeed in your tasks.

Full quest's text:
- Work Order -

Security Detail: Luluba Tribes are attacking trade convoys going to and from Goldrine Free City. The loss of Kinah has exceeded acceptable levels. Protect Silverine Ltd. goods at all costs.

Report To: Silverine Danaria Branch

Conduct during this operation should comply with all Silverine Ltd. guidelines outlined in employee handbook under "Thieves: Better Than a Skurv?"

Player: "They stole from the wrong company."

That Player is here suggests the Luluba Tribes have been dealt with, yes?

It certainly took long enough, though. What could take a Daeva so long to kill a couple thieves?

Maybe Silverine Ltd. should dock Daeva's pay for slow performance.

Player: "Only if you want to end like them."

Really, the Luluba Tribes got the message? This Daeva succeeds where so many fail.

Danurinerk was right, again. This Shugo has lost much Kinah betting against Player.

Thank you, Daeva.

Basic Reward
icon 3 251 515 XP
- Silverine Token
- Silverine Ltd. Supplies
Additional info
Recommended level63
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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