ID: 39619
[Daily] Friend of a Friend
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Silverine Ltd.
Lv.: 99
Elyos Only

Collect the weapon payments from the War Supplies Manager ***. Deliver the Heavy Leather Pouch to the Silverine Danaria Branch. Silverine Ltd. has sent a work order. Check the details and complete the mission.
Silverine Ltd. delivered a work order to you.

After collecting the weapon payments from the War Supplies Manager ***, you returned them to the Danaria Branch. Apparently, Silverine Ltd. is supplying Beritran forces with weapons, a questionable company for a Daeva to work for.

Full quest's text:
- Work Order -

Accounts Receivable: Collect the weapon payments from Beritra War Supplies Manager *** dispatched to the Beritra Garrison and return the payments to the Danaria Branch. The password is 'Strigik cuckoos.'

Supply Overseer: Silverine Danaria Branch

Care should be taken to avoid raising suspicion in Beritra Garrison. Silverine Ltd. will disavow all knowledge of Daeva's existence in the result of capture.

Player: ""In the result of capture? Right."

Psst, Daeva, can one help ***, much Kinah to save ***'s life, nyerk.

This poor Shugo has spent so much time trapped here.

But now there is hope for ***.

Player: "Strigik cuckoos?"

Why would Silverine Ltd. send a Daeva, here, alone? Or does Daeva wish to find death?

Here is this month's payments, all of it, no need to count.

When Player returns to Danaria Branch, relay message: Same order again. Good luck.

Player: "Why am I helping supply my enemies?"

Player meet no trouble among the Balaur, akakak.

How does Daeva return unscathed? Perhaps this Daeva never went, yes?


Player: "I have it, and same order again."

Hmm, seems a little light. Is Daeva looking to pocket extra Kinah?

Well, this war provides much opportunity, but be sure to give to Silverine Ltd. what is Silverine Ltd.'s.

Another order too. Beritra's Army must be getting ready for something big.

Basic Reward
icon 19 287 698 XP
Additional info
Recommended level99
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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