ID: 4524
[Coin/Group] Foolish Recklessness
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 45
Asmodian Only

Terminate Brigadier Indratu (1). Report to Savrina. Hunt down Brigadier Indratu, a Balaur officer who's up to no good.
Shadow Executor Savrina was concerned about Balaur Brigadier Indratu's activity, not to mention the Daevas who were being hurt trying to fight him.

You invaded Indratu Fortress and slew the Balaur officer. Savrina was glad that whatever plans he was making were now over.

Full quest's text:
One of the first things you learn in the Abyss is caution. Fighting Asmodae's enemies is all well and good, but to continue to fight, you need to survive.

Battling a foe that you cannot defeat does no one any good. It is a distraction to your fellows, which may prove to be fatal to them as well as you.

The newly ascended especially need that lesson. If I had a Kinah for every one that needed Soul Healing because of recklessness...

Player: "You'd be rich."

Very. Lately, I've been keeping track of the movements of Brigadier Indratu. Yes, I'm far from the Abyss, but I have my sources.

It seems he's been much more active of late. That tempts headstrong Daevas, which in turn leads them to that Soul Healing I mentioned before.

Both Indratu's activity and the carnage he's leaving behind concern me. I'd like to "hire" you to do something about both.

Player: Accept.

Then go to Indratu Fortress and slay Brigadier Indratu. It'll stop both the Daevas and whatever plans the Brigadier has.

It will obviously not be easy. I suggest you do not follow the lead of those reckless Daevas we've been discussing.

Still, time is of the essence in more ways than one. Indratu's plotting...whatever Daevas are even now running to engage him....

Player: "They will be stopped!"

The type of Daeva who have battled Brigadier Indratu and failed are a type I saw very often during my combat days in the Abyss.

Newly ascended, stubborn, full of hope and much too much confidence in their own worth. They think little and pay for it accordingly.

Perhaps their failures at Indratu Fortress will teach them a lesson. Speaking of which...?

Player: "Here is my report..."

Well done! You've killed two Methus with one axe today. Whatever the Brigadier's schemes were will fall apart now.

I know it's not my job to be concerned about injured Daevas, but Asmodae needs them. They must learn their lesson. Hopefully they have.

You require a proper reward. Take this--it's something I picked up during my travels. You should find it useful.

Basic Reward
icon 3 115 770 XP
- Platinum Coin
- Platinum Coin Chest
Additional info
Quest giverSavrina
Recommended level48
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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