ID: 50005
[Event] Daeva's Day Energy
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Oriel
Lv.: 99
Elyos Only

Talk with Gracia. It's time for the Ascension Festival. Go to Sanctum, enjoy the festival and visit Gracia.
You were asked to visit Sanctum for the Ascension Festival celebrations.

You talked to Gift Trader Gracia, who told you about Ascension Energy, and traded the energy you'd collected for a festival gift.

Full quest's text:
Finally, it's the Ascension Festival! When you're this excited, each year seems like a Daeva's lifetime.

Look at me--I was born for this! I celebrate all the festivals, but I love this one the most. Do you know its origin?

Player: "Only vaguely..."

Back when Daevas first started ascending, the whole city would celebrate, but now there are so many that we've designated a special day to mark all the ascensions that took place during the year.

This year, something really special has started happening. So many Daevas have ascended that the Ascension Energy has started crystallizing into tangible form. Maybe you've even noticed some appearing in your cube, Player!

To enjoy the festival properly, head to the big city. The people, the gift can't beat it!

Player: Accept.

A giant cake and all kinds of presents are waiting for you in Sanctum, Player. Just go and see Gracia, and don't forget to take your Ascension Energy!

Player: "Thanks for the pointer!"

Did you collect a lot of Ascension Energy?

You know, each person is constantly emitting energy, and never more so than during their ascension. I'm collecting Ascension Energy--if you bring it to me, I will give you a gift.

Player: "I think I have some on me."

Look at all these Daevas! I've heard some people complaining about how crowded Sanctum is these days, but I hope more humans ascend. The more, the merrier!

Besides, won't we stand more of a chance in the Abyss War? All these Daevas are good news for the future of Elysea and the Seraphim Lords.

Basic Reward
icon 1 400 XP
icon x 1 650
Additional info
Recommended level99
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Not accepted quests:
[Event] Ascension Extravaganza
Not completed quests:
[Event] Ascension Extravaganza

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