ID: 80033
[Event] Averting the Gaze
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Pandaemonium
Lv.: 10
Asmodian Only

Hand Metrano the Beritra's Gaze card you received so that he can purge it. See Metrano about your Beritra's Gaze card.
You handed Metrano the Beritra's Gaze card, which was then purged and sent off. You were given a unique blessing in the card's stead.

Full quest's text:
I've heard already, [%userclass].

Beritra's Gaze is nothing to laugh at, but you're in the right hands if you're looking for a way out.

Player: "You can help?"

Of course! The Fayrefolk never leave a Daeva listing, and every problem has its solution; you just need to know where to look.

Just hand me the Beritra's Gaze card, and I'll set you right.

Player: Accept.

Now to purge the card. This will take a moment....

Player: "Okay."

Yes...yes, we got some good prints from this little number....

Hmm? Oh! Yes, the curse has been lifted, and a blessing placed in its stead!

Player: "Oh?"

Forgetting something, aren't we? I can't purge Beritra's Gaze from you without the card, can I?

Find it, and bring it back.

Player: "I'll do that."

Yes, a blessing! The Fayrefolk look after their own, [%userclass]. We most

Now...I just need to get this card sent back to...the others....

Basic Reward
- [Title Card] 'Sucker' – 14-day pass
Additional info
Quest giverMetrano
Recommended level10
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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