ID: 805437
icon NPC
<Twilight Battlefield Storeroom Inspector>
Level: 65
HP: 31 089
Aggression radius: 20m


Azphelumbra, Daeva.

You're always welcome here.

Is that a [%mainslotitem]? Very impressive.

However, you'll need much more that a powerful weapon.

The Abyss is a strange place. Train here before you venture out. You don't want to look sun-addled in front of the others!

You'll want to learn about Guardian Generals, Aetheric Fields, and Fortress Gates. Start studying, Daeva!

Player: "I will."

Is that a [%mainslotitem]? Very impressive.

However, you'll need much more that a powerful weapon.

The Abyss is a strange place. Train here before you venture out. You don't want to look sun-addled in front of the others!

You'll want to learn about Guardian Generals, Aetheric Fields, and Fortress Gates. Start studying, Daeva!

Player: "Guardian Generals?"

Ah, the Guardian Generals can be a little confusing. I understand.

I'm here to teach, after all! I'm happy to have such a curious student!

Come back anytime.

Player: "Thank you."

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