ID: 11125
Leaking Drana
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Inggison
Level: 54
Elyos Only

Collect the body tissue of Wandering Shrub Dragrints, Infused Crestlichs, and Plateback Neokins. Bring them to Iaetia. PlayerMutated creatures in the land of the Balaur are spreading Drana contamination. Destroy them and bring back their remnants for study.
Iaetia was worried that Drana mutated Dragrints, Crestliches and Neokins were growing in number.

You destroyed the contaminated creatures and brought her their body tissue for study as requested.

Full quest's text:
Arieluma, Player. Dark days are upon us again. Drana energy is spreading from creature to creature, tainting everything it touches.

It has spread all the way to the Inggison Outpost. If we don't do something quick, we'll be doomed.

We need to kill off every creature infected by the Drana energy...before it affects the Obelisks.

Player: "How bad has it gotten?"

You've been in Inggison for some time now...I'm surprised you haven't noticed it. It's bad...terribly bad!

What's worse, the creatures that get affected grow stronger, wilder. They attack with such ferocity now that even my most experienced Legionaries fall prey to their claws.

What say you, Player? Care to lend your blade to a worthy cause?

Player: Accept.

I've determined that the most dangerous creatures are Wandering Shrub Dragrints, Infused Crestliches, and Plateback Neokins.

Destroy as many as you can and bring me their mutated body tissue afterwards. I need to have a research team study them so we can find out just how bad this has gotten.

Player: "Faith and arms, Daeva!"

You've returned, Player! And not a second too late.

The interest in these mutated creatures has grown dramatically over the past few hours. I've spoken with several researchers and even an Aether Maintenance Soldier since you've been gone.

They all want that body tissue for their research. I hope you brought them back...the Dragrint Remnants, Crestlich Remnants, and Neokin Tissue?

Player: "Here's the mutated samples."

You haven't killed the contaminated creatures yet? Daeva, the Drana is spreading--every second brings more contamination across the land.

You must destroy the Wandering Shrub Dragrints, Infused Crestlichs, and Plateback Neokin and get their mutated body tissue.

Player: "I will do it now."

Strange...they seem to have mutated more than I thought. Look at their abnormal forms, the putrification of their skin.

I had no idea Drana could do something like this. Thank you, Player. You just might have saved all of our hides.

I'll have my research team get to work on the tissue right away.

Basic Reward
icon 8 802 718 XP
icon x 146 150
- Major Recovery Serum
Additional info
Quest giverIaetia
Recommended level54
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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