ID: 1121
Oz's Prayer Beads
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Poeta
Level: 6
Elyos Only

Return beads from the Elder Sparkies and Pincerhead Sparkles to Oz. PlayerOz, a mercenary scout, lost some precious prayer beads when his bracelet broke. Catch Elder Sparkies and Pincerhead Sparkles to retrieve them.
Oz, a pious man, was making his rounds when his prayer bracelet broke. He retrieved most of it, but three beads were eaten by insects.

You searched the Agaric Spore Road and caught Elder Sparkies and Pincerhead Sparkles to find the remaining beads.

Full quest's text:
No, it's no good!

I can't find them anywhere! I'm just going in circles....

Player, could you help me?

Player: "Help with what, exactly?"

It's my prayer bracelet--I've lost several beads from it. I can't believe I was so stupid!

I was out patrolling the Agaric Spore Road when I noticed the cord was broken and the beads had slipped off! I retraced my route and found all but three of them.

I found the last one in the shrubs...with a hungry Sparkle gnawing on it!

Player: "Perhaps it thought the bead was a seed?"

That was my guess too! Anyway, I suspect the Elder Sparkies and Pincerhead Sparkles ate the last three.

A priest from Sanctum gave that bracelet to me personally. It's hugely important to me.

Please, Player. Would you hunt Sparkles and Sparkies until you find those last three beads?

Player: Accept.

Oh, Aion's Grace!

It shouldn't take too long to find the right Elder Sparkies and Pincerhead Sparkles. I'm only missing three beads!

Good luck, [%userclass]!

Player: "Thanks!"

You're back!

Please, tell me you found all my beads! I really want to fix this bracelet.

Player: "Here you are! That should be all of them."

Wait, I told you I'd lost three beads, didn't I? I have to have all three.

Player: "I'll be back soon."

You got them all!

I don't know what to say.... I'm so relieved! Th-thank you, Player! This bracelet means everything to me, and without you I'd have lost it.

Please, take this.... I wish I could do more.

Basic Reward
icon 3 685 XP
icon x 2 360
Additional info
Quest giverOz
Recommended level7
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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