ID: 11278
[Manastone Bundle] A Higher Pitch
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Level: 999
Elyos Only

Collect manastones and take them to Caicedo. PlayerTake your old manastones to Caicedo and exchange them for new ones.
On behalf of the Manastone Removers Association, Caicedo is exchanging useless manastones for questionably better ones.

When you took manastone bundles to Caicedo, he exchanged them for you...then gave you a story about it helping a needy family.

Full quest's text:
Now that the Manastone Removers Association has become unionized, we're able to offer all sorts of glorious deals for our clients, and help contribute to our society at the same time.

Your charitable contribution of MP +70, Evasion +14, and Parry +22 manastone bundles will touch the lives of many, many impoverished Daevas...once they pay a small fee in lieu of union dues, of course. you have 10 of any of those manastones I mentioned? Maybe in your cube or warehouse?

Player: Accept.

The M.R.A. has quickly become one of the fastest growing charitable organizations around, thanks to the principles of unionizing...which we learned from the Shugos.

Creepy little things, but they sure know how to conduct commerce! Business is good, but an untouchable business is better!

So, your contribution of 10 MP +70, Evasion +14, and Parry +22 manastones will surely save a Daeva in need. So...hand them over. Let's make some Daeva's dream come true.

Player: "Here are your manastones."

I'll be with you in one second, please. (He is inspecting a pile of old, damaged manastones with a magnifying glass.)

(Whispering to himself) Nice...nice...should fetch a few Kinah for that one...maybe I can cover this one with some paint....

Ah, greetings, Player. I was just...praying that these will help some Daeva in need. You've come to do business? What do you have there?

Player: "Here's what I have."

Hmm, I guess I wasn't clear enough in my three-minute diatribe of what the M.R.A. is looking for.

Bundles, Daeva! Bundles of 10! I need MP +70, Evasion +14, and Parry +22 manastones. Single manastones don't do anything for the destitute these days.

No bundle, no special deal. End of story. Come back when you're serious about...helping others.

Player: "This is...odd, Daeva."

Let's see here...MP +70...Evasion +14 and...Parry +22. Yes, you got them right.

A small family will eat well tonight because of you, Player. And I'm one step closer to being regional manager of...oh, that should have been a thought-voice.

Here, I'll just exchange these for your new manastones now. There you go. Walk in the light. In that direction.

Basic Reward
icon 22 370 XP
- Caicedo's Manastone Bundle
Additional info
Quest giverCaicedo
Recommended level51
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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