ID: 1307
Stolen Goods
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Eltnen
Level: 20
Elyos Only

Collect the stolen items from the Manduri Gatherers and Manduri Hunters and bring them to Archelaos. PlayerTake back the things the Manduri have stolen from the residents.
Archelaos told you that there was simply too much work for him to handle alone. He'd heard reports of the strange Manduri creatures stealing items from the residents, but didn't have enough time to look into the matter.

After he convinced you to go in his stead, you found the items and returned them to a much-relieved Archelaos.

Full quest's text:
Never enough time in the day, you know. Patrols, investigations, guard duty. I could have two more of me on hand, and...ACHOO!...and still there would be work piling up every day.

You would think it'd help having Androkles here with me, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong.

Player: "He doesn't pull his weight?"

No, he doesn't! The residents got so fed up with his staggering inaction, they just ignore him these days. There's only one thing he cares about, and that's his novel concept of nature.

I would sooner be alone. At least then the Centurions would understand why I'm constantly backlogged and unable to get my work done.

I've just got these complaints in--seems the Manduri are up to their old tricks, stealing from the travellers and residents of the fortress. And can I do anything about it? No I cannot. Not a thing.

Player: "What are they stealing?"

Whatever they can get their hands on! Most of the time it's just useless junk, or actual waste, but occasionally they'll steal something of value.

This time, we've lost a Jewel Ring and a Clothing Package. The residents have enough on their plate without having to worry about the wildlife attacking.

I need someone to go and get those things back for me while I sort through the other reports. Do you think you might have the time to help out?

Player: Accept.

Oh thank goodness for that!

Well, the Manduri are based in two main areas--the Manduri Stores and the Manduri Village. Of all the Manduri creatures, I have only seen the Manduri Gatherers and Manduri Hunters actually engage in thievery, so you should concentrate on them.

I'll tell you now, the day those Manduri stop stealing from us is the day I get my first solid night's sleep. Good luck, Player!

Player: "I'll return the items as soon as possible." Pallas needs his shipment signed for...there we are! And now...where was it? I had a form some...

Player! In the Good Lady's name, announce yourself next time! You scared me half out of my own skin!

Oh, it doesn't matter! I've lost my place now. How did you get on with recovering the stolen items?

Player: "Are these them?"

Ah, no, they are not. The residents lost a Jewel Ring and a Clothing Package, remember? This is...well, I'm not sure what this is, to be honest.

Go back and get the job done!

Player: "I'll go now."

Yes, this is exactly right! Look at this Jewel Ring, it is magnificent! And this certainly looks like the Clothing Package we had stolen.

Excellent work my friend! Here's your reward.


Basic Reward
icon 86 400 XP
icon x 17 030
- Bronze Coin
Additional info
Quest giverArchelaos
Recommended level21
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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