ID: 13401
Old Words, New Leads
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beritra's Grand Invasion
Level: 999
Elyos Only

Go to Azuminerk's Marked Memory in Infiltration Detector and use an Keliden Swamp to investigate the area. [%2] Since nothing happened, talk to Mercutio in Keliden Swamp. Talk with the witness, Azuminerk.
Azuminerk said that, although he saw a weapon belonging to Beritra's Army, it disappeared shortly after, and he wasn't sure of his memory.

You went to the spot that Azuminerk remembered and used an Infiltration Detector to investigate, but once again, there wasn't any response.

So you went to see Expedition Member Mercutio, who also witnessed the event alongside Azuminerk.

Mercutio said he didn't really remember what he saw with Azuminerk, but he claimed that he witnessed another instance of the invasion.

Mercutio stated that the Balaurean weapon and a number of other devices suddenly appeared out of thin air and then disappeared all at once soon after.

Full quest's text:
Azuminerk recovered from fright, nyerk. Azuminerk thinks Shugo saw Beritra Army's weapons.

Azuminerk traveling in Keliden Swamp, on business of course. Azuminerk saw terrifying weapon and many ugly scalies.

Shugo turned to run, but very bravely looked back. Scaly's ugly weapons disappeared.

Player: "Tell me you have more information."

Happened too fast, flashing and lights. Azuminerk not sure about memory. Still, Shugo want to help. Azuminerk give you Infiltration Detector

Maybe Daeva go see where it happened? Azuminerk knows where to show Daeva, but will just be Marked Memory with Daeva, nyerk.

Azuminerk has business to run, cannot attend with Daeva. Daeva go to Marked Memory and use Infiltration Detector. Daeva will see if Azuminerk crazy or not, akakak. If Daeva has more questions, Shugo may know who to ask.

Player: Accept.

Shugo hopes Daeva finds what Daeva needs at Marked Memory.

Azuminerk recommends visiting other witness. Daeva find other witness as expedition member Mercutio, nyerk.

Mercutio travels to many places. Might have seen weapon somewhere else too, nyerk. Azuminerk hopes Daeva finds Mercutio more helpful.

Player: "As do I."

What brings you to my swamp? My message couldn't have reached my superiors already.

I've seen something incredible in my travels.

Everyone must be informed.

Player: "Azuminerk said I should speak to you."

I see, others have started investigating this as well. I did see the weapons with the Shugo, but it was too fast to discern any real detail.

I went farther out than usual today and was exploring in Sleeping Elders Plateau, a little ways away from the swamp. A number of devices appeared out of thin air in front of me.

Luckily I was able to hide before they saw me, but while I was waiting to contact my superiors, the devices disappeared without a trace. I saw them up close, so I can vouch for what I saw. The enemy is repeatedly infiltrating this area, but they disappear almost immediately.

Basic Reward
icon 3 446 553 XP
icon x 150 660
Additional info
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
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RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
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