ID: 13809
Tree is Company
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Kaldor
Level: 65
Elyos Only

Examine the Scorched Tree and take the Shell Ember. Examine the Cindery Tree and take the Brittle Outer Scale. Examine the Burnt Tree and take the Crimson Bloodstain as a sample. Report to Caetess. He appears when the Elyos capture Stonereach Outpost. Examine the Scorched Tree, the Cindery Tree, and the Burnt Tree.
Vice Captain Caetess of the Elyos Expedition asked you to examine the Scorched Tree, the Cindery Tree, and the Burnt Tree in the ruins of Hero's Fall to find more information about the explosion that decimated Kaldor.

You examined the trees and found the Shell Ember, the Brittle Outer Scale, and the Crimson Bloodstain. Caetess sensed an ancient energy in these objects and surmised that the explosion in Kaldor may have wounded Dragon Lord Fregion.

Full quest's text:
We still have much to learn about the explosion that decimated Kaldor. Feria believes that some of the trees at Hero's Fall carry a unique ecological record that will help us understand exactly what transpired.

You should go and examine these trees, starting with the Scorched Tree, then the Cindery Tree, and finally the Burnt Tree.

They witnessed the explosion firsthand. Perhaps they can tell us something about Fregion or Ide...

Player: Accept.

(The bark has been reduced to cinders and ash, yet, incredibly, the tree still stands, refusing to bow to the lingering flames.)

(You carefully examine the trunk and find a small, shell-like object lodged in its side. The shell is just as scorched as the tree, but remains intact.)

(Perhaps Caetess will know what it is...)

Player: Take the Shell Ember.

(The charred tree still smolders, forever scarred by Fregion's wrath.)

(Upon closer inspection you find a small, scorched patch of reptilian skin clinging to the bark.)

(Caetess will want to see this.)

Player: Take the Brittle Outer Scale.

(This tree is just as scorched and barren as the other two, a living reminder of the explosion that blighted this land so long ago.)

(A small red stain catches your eye. It appears to be the remnants of blood, seared into the bark.)

(The stain is small, but large enough for you to take a sample.)

Player: Take a sample of the Crimson Bloodstain.

Did you find the trees at Hero's Fall? Feria is anxious to know the results. She's convinced they hold valuable information, and I have no reason to doubt her.

I actually have some knowledge of ecology myself, though I lack Feria's expertise.

I too would like to know more about what exactly took place here.

Player: "I found these in the trees."

Your perception serves you well, Player. I can sense the lingering presence of an ancient, primal power in these objects. It's very faint, yet somehow still strong and hideous. These must have come from Fregion himself.

The scale and the bloodstain lead me to believe that the explosion wounded the Dragon Lord. My personal theory is that something triggered a massive Ide explosion in Kaldor and Fregion was caught up in it.

What else but Ide could have caused such havoc?

Basic Reward
icon 3 446 553 XP
icon x 150 660
Optional Reward
- Legendary Crafter's Idian: Physical Attack
- Legendary Crafter's Idian: Magical Attack
Additional info
Quest giverCaetess
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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