ID: 14045
Rumors on Wings
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Abyss
Level: 45
Elyos Only

Talk to Tellus in Teminon Landing. Find the Tigraki Island and see Agemonerk. Go to Black Cloud Island and meet Garkbinerk. Talk to Agemonerk. Order: Tellus has important information to share with you. See him at Teminon Landing.
Tellus said the Shugos of Tigraki Studio make special wings and told you to look for a Shugo named Agemonerk.

When you arrived, you were told that they are making the wings but that there are problems with them. You were asked to find Agemonerk, who has gone missing during a test flight. When you located him, he said the wings were fast, but due to stability issues, he had suddenly crashed.

When you went back to Agemonerk and told him what you heard, he said he knew what to fix and thanked you for it.

Full quest's text:
Your name's brought up quite often these days, Player

You complete every mission given to you brilliantly.

Your combat skills are superb, you're flying faultless.

Player: "Aw, thanks."

I have some information you might find useful, Player. Ever heard of Tigraki Studio?

It's a Shugo studio known for making Draconic weapons and armor.

Apparently, that's not all they make. Rumors say they also make special wings.

Player: "That's very interesting."

If you can get a pair of those wings, they'll assist you greatly, Player. The hard part is locating the Tigraki Island.

Some Shugos from Tigraki Studio are in Sanctum on business, but no one really knows where their base is. They supposedly hide somewhere near Sword's Edge, but their location is not marked on any map.

Word has it that a Shugo named Agemonerk makes those special wings. See if you can find him.

Player: "This will be easy."

How did you find me? Coming this far could not have been easy, nyerk.

Ah, are you here because you heard about the special wings?

Seems like rumors about the wings are widespread in Reshanta, nyerk nyerk.

Player: "Tell me more about these wings."

You can fly with great speed when you attach our wings, nyerk.

But there's one small problem. The stability is a bit lacking.

The Daevas who went on test flights were...a bit injured, nyerk. Don't look at me like that, nyerk! They are Daevas, they don't die.

Player: "Okay, I'll believe you."

Since you're already here, can you do the test for me?

I was just thinking about how to send Black Cloud Island an item anyway.

Take this. Just deliver it to Garkbinerk of the Black Cloud Traders. That's it!

Player: "All right."

Ah, what a relief!

You're here to deliver me something, right?

I thought I'd never get it.

Player: "Well, here you go."

You mean the special wings they made?

Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how dangerous they are, and you're just testing them?!

When you return to Agemonerk, ask him to give you more money for your efforts.

Player: "Okay."

How can I dare to let you, a Daeva, do such a dangerous test?

Anyway, thank you. That will be of great assistance to me, nyerk.

Basic Reward
icon 8 325 278 XP
icon x 27 550
icon x 2 000
- Major Wind Serum
- Strange Yellow Sack
- Petra Medal
Additional info
Quest giverTellus
Recommended level45
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Abyssal Abilities
Not accepted quests:
Fragment of Memory 3
Not completed quests:
Fragment of Memory 3

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