ID: 1432
[Gather] Stalking the Wily Lapia
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Eltnen
Level: 19
Elyos Only

Catch Lapias and bring them to Lano. PlayerLano would like to increase the number of Lapia by separating them from the other fish. Catch some in the river around Eltnen Fortress and the Putrid Mire, and bring them to Lano.
You helped Lano by culling the Afari, but he said that that wouldn't solve the problem completely. He wanted to raise Lapia separately to increase their number.

While you were out catching them, he made a pool to keep them in.

Full quest's text:
Ah, Player...could I ask one more favor?

The Afari problem caused trouble with another kind of fish...and I was hoping you'd help me.

Player: "How so?"

Well, the Lapias have been rare lately and, while cutting the Afari population will help, I don't think it will be enough.

I want to dig up a pool for them to stay in, secluded from the other fish. It would be so helpful if you gathered them up while I got the pool in shape.

Player: Accept.

Great. Nine Lapias should be a good start--enough for them to breed without fear.

Lapia are more difficult to catch, but I'm sure you'll do fine.

Get going right away. I hope to have the pool done when you return.

Player: "I'm on it."

Ah, Player!

Making a pool is much more difficult than I expected, you know. It's almost finished, though.

Do you have the Lapias?

Player: "I do."

You do...not?

It's all right, Player. Even I find it hard to catch Lapia--they're just so fast!

Don't give up! I'll finish up the pool while you gather them.

Player: "Be right back."

Great job. They all look perfectly healthy--perfect for growing the population again.

I hope this works.

Here, take this. I appreciate your trouble.

Basic Reward
icon 88 800 XP
icon x 4 370
- Bronze Coin
Additional info
Quest giverLano
Recommended level22
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Gather] The River Predators

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11-02-2017 01:05

You'll need 9 Lapias.