ID: 18216
Insignia Exchange
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Empyrean Crucible
Level: 999
Elyos Only

Fight in the Crucibles to earn Courage Insignias and Crucible Insignias, and bring them to Perbano. PlayerExchange Courage Insignias for Platinum Medals.
Perbano told you that you could earn Insignias in the Crucible Coliseum, and then exchange them for Platinum Medals at Kaisinel Academy.

Full quest's text:
Have you tried the Crucible Coliseum yet, Player? If you haven't, I think this new Crucible is going to blow you away! I mean, not literally... unless you're really, really bad.

Anyway, I'm offering Platinum Medals to those who have taken on the challenge of the Coliseum, not that I think you'll need the extra encouragement.

Player: "What's so great about it?"

Well, aside from the sheer thrill of a close-matched fight against worthy Daevas, it's great practice, and you'll be earning rewards as you go.

I've seen you in action, Player, and I know you're highly competitive. I think you're ready for a Daeva Deathmatch, don't you?

Player: Accept.

Great! Your successes in the Coliseum earn you Courage Insignias and Crucible Insignias. I'll take them in trade for Platinum Medals.

In fact, if you have any on you right now, I'm happy to take them off your hands.

Player: "Let me see..."

So you have 400 Courage Insignias and 9,800 Crucible Insignias. Pricey, maybe, but surely someone of your skills can earn them back in no time.

Just a warning, though: I don't give refunds.

Player: "I won't need a refund."

No, it's 400 Courage Insignias and 9,800 Crucible Insignias. Maybe I forgot to mention that? Well, either way, you don't have enough.

I have to see the Insignias up front. I'm sure you understand.

Player: "Fair enough."

... 9,798... 9,799... 9,800! One Platinum Medal for you.

This'll get you a ton of respect, you know. And if anyone insinuates you bought it instead of earning it... send them to me! I'll tell them how you snuck up on that one Daeva, and took out that other one as if by accident.

...What? Oh, it WAS an accident? Well, you don't need to tell anyone else that.

Basic Reward
- Petra Medal
Additional info
Recommended level999
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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