ID: 18397
Crystal Hunt
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beshmundir Temple
Level: 999
Elyos Only

Eliminate the Baby Poisonous Insects that live in the Sillentera Corridor and get their crystals. PlayerReport back to Narul. You did as Narus asked and went to the Sillentera Corridor to eliminate the Baby Poisonous Insects and get their blue crystals.
Narus asked you to do a mission for him if you want more incinerator keys.

You did as he asked and went to the Sillentera Corridor to eliminate the Baby Poisonous Insects and get their Unrefined Blue Crystals and received an incinerator key from him.

Full quest's text:
What is it?

Do you need more incinerator keys?

I have several more but I can't just give them to you.

And I just happen to have a favor to ask, so I’ll give you a key if you help me.

Go into the Sillentera Corridor and eliminate the Baby Poison Sting Sheluk, Baby Moss Octaside, Baby Black Claw Scolopen that haven't fully grown yet and get me their Deactivated Blue Crystal.

Seems to me like an easy mission, no?

Player: Accept.

Did you get the Unrefined Blue Crystals?

Don't tell me you have got any yet!

Player: Hand over the Unrefined Blue Crystals.

I checked the Unrefined Blue Crystals.

Thank you.

Player: End dialog.

Okay, as promised, here is your incinerator key.

Basic Reward
icon 1 949 612 XP
- Incinerator Key
- Greater Supplements (Fabled)
Additional info
Recommended level999
Repeat count
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Instance Dungeon/Group] Check the Orb of Time and Space

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