ID: 18642
Judge's Flame-Heated Harp
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Heiron
Level: 37
Elyos Only

Gather the materials needed to refine the Harp of the Judge and bring them to Ukon. PlayerIf you can get the Harp of the Judge, Ukon will refine it for you with Kromede's Flame.
Once you got the Harp of the Judge, Ukon said he would strengthen it for you with Kromede's Flame.

Fortunately for you, Ukon kept his word and made you the reinforced Kromede's Harp.

Full quest's text:
Player, surely you don't need that Kromede's Flame?

If you let me melt it down and coat the Judge's Harp with it, it will make it an incredible instrument.

Player: "How exactly?"

To reinforce the Harp of the Judge, you need three things.

First, you need Kromede's Flame, which you already have. Second, you need a master blacksmith like me, the legendary Ukon.

So really, all we need is the Judge's Harp. If you bring it back here, I'll refine it.

Player: Accept.

Fortunately for you, I'll do this for free since I'm working on improving my skills with musical instruments.

That's not to say my skills need improvement! I am already far beyond the skills of other blacksmiths, but I've got to keep my edge.

Now then.... Kromede the Corrupt at the Fire Temple in Asmodae has the harp we need.

Player: "I'll be back with it in no time."

Ah, I knew you'd have no trouble getting the Harp of the Judge.

Just hand it over along with Kromede's Flame, and I'll get started.

Player: "I hope this works."

Wait a minute here! I need both the Harp of the Judge and Kromede's Flame for this to work.

I may be a blacksmith, but you can trust me to work with your harp.

Hand it over.... I'll make it sing like never before, or my name isn't Ukon!

Player: "Here they are."

By Ariel! That was more difficult than I expected! Here's your guitar back.

Oh, calm down. I'm just kidding. Here's Kromede's Harp. I bet you'll love this.

As for me though, I'm going to sleep. That took a lot of concentration.

Basic Reward
icon 299 352 XP
- Kromede's Harp
Additional info
Quest giverUkon
Recommended level41
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Songweaver

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Nightmare in Shining Armor

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