ID: 19074
The Technist Preceptor's Task
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Sanctum
Level: 31
Elyos Only

Use Spend Success I (10). Report the result to the Gunslinger Preceptor, Oakley. Practice your Daevic skill and report back to Oakley.
Oakley wanted to teach you a lesson in what it takes to become a true Gunslinger. She had you practice your Daevic skill multiple times.

When you finished the task and reported back to Oakley, she liked your sass, but told you to remember to keep yourself disciplined.

Full quest's text:
By now you know what it is to be a Gunslinger, don't you?

Many see us as brazen rogues, scoffing at the heavy armor or magical shields our fellow Daevas hide behind.

And we are. We know that true power lies in mobility and the quickdraw. Or if you prefer, the boom of a big cannon.

Player: "I like it when things go boom."

And so you are here.

I'm impressed with you, Player. You've grown in your speed and precision. But if you would be as good as me, one thing remains.

Practice. Even Gunslingers need it. Use Spend Success I ten times. Revel in what power it brings you. Then report back to me.

Player: Accept.

I expected more of you, Player.

You took an order from me? You are a Gunslinger. Embrace your nature. You don't take orders from anyone.

Maybe some time in the field will be good for you after all. Here, take these jellies. You might find them helpful.

Player: "Wait... What just happened?"

That's what I want to hear, Player. A little fight, a lot of spirit!

But remember what you learned. You have to discipline your arms to make them effective.

Return when you feel you're ready for more training.

Basic Reward
icon 633 457 XP
- Aetheric Master
Additional info
Quest giverOakley
Recommended level31
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassTechnist, Gunslinger

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