ID: 21255
Enhancing the Bow
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Gelkmaros
Level: 999
Asmodian Only

Bring Athana's Bow and the Piece of Zikel to Usener. PlayerBring Athana's Bow and the Piece of Zikel to Usener.
Athana told you that special skill was required to bring out greater power in Athana's Bow.

With that in mind, you brought the Bow and the Piece of Zikel to Usener in Pandaemonium. She fused the two together and gave you an empowered Bow.

Full quest's text:
I can see you're wondering how the Piece of Zikel works. I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest idea.

I've heard that it's a piece of extremely concentrated Aether, further empowered by the touch of Lord Zikel himself. But who knows if that's true?

Not all weapons can handle it. Only specially made ones, like the Bow I gave you, have a prayer of staying intact in its presence.

Player: "Wow, that's something."

It is, isn't it? It also takes another special set of skills to combine this Bow with the Piece, if you don't want to destroy either or both.

Fortunately, I know someone with such skills: Usener. Perhaps you've met her in Pandaemonium?

Player: "Then I'll see her at once."

Be warned. This is delicate work, and Usener will almost certainly not help you for free.

Still, Kinah is for spending, as the Shugo say. Especially when it aids you in saving Atreia.

Knowing this, will you still consult with her?

Player: Accept.

A wise choice. You should at least find out what her demands are, then decide.

Still, I know of no one else who can accomplish what needs to be done. I'm afraid you may have little choice in this matter.

Whatever the outcome, I thank you for your service to Asmodae.

Player: "Blood for blood!!"

A...a Piece of Zikel! I never thought I'd see... And Athana's Bow! I can't believe my luck!

And I'm the one who'll get to work on them? I...I think I'm tearing up here. This must be the best day of my life.

Have no fear, Daeva. I'll treat them with all the care in the world.

Player: "I figured."

Oh, was my excitement showing? That should tell you how special this stuff is.

But BECAUSE they're so special, I'll need to buy some special materials...and I'm afraid they're pretty expensive.

It'll cost 8,000,000 Kinah in all. Do you still want me to do this?

Player: "I still do."

Discounts? I'm afraid not. My suppliers won't, so I can't either.

Ah, if only Daevas had infinite Kinah to go along with infinite life. It would make things like this so much easier.

And I was looking forward to this, too! Shards! Well, I'll still be here when you have the Kinah.... Please hurry. And when you get back, that bow of yours needs to be sitting pretty in your Cube, not your hands.

Player: "I'll try."

Oh, yes.... Let's get started! Yah! Hah! Aaaand a little bit of pressure, some heat.... Perfect!

Try this out as soon as you can, Player. You'll find that your arrows fly with a lot more speed and force than before.

It was a great privilege to work with a Piece of Zikel. If you ever have any other special jobs, please keep me in mind!

Basic Reward
icon 4 020 773 XP
- Athana's Fate Bow
Additional info
Quest giverUsener
Recommended level999
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Spy/League] Bow's Fate

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