ID: 23401
Illusive Reports
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beritra's Grand Invasion
Level: 999
Asmodian Only

Go to Azuminerk's Marked Memory in Keliden Swamp and use the Invasion Detector to investigate. [%2] Nothing was found. Talk to Tenitz in Keliden Swamp. Talk with Azuminerk to find out more about the Beritra invasion site.
Azuminerk said that, although he saw a weapon that belonged to Beritra's Army, it disappeared shortly after and his memory was foggy. You went to his Marked Memory and used the Invasion Detector to investigate, but once again, there was no response.

So you went to Expedition Member Tenitz, the other witness Azuminerk told you about, and he said that he didn't really remember what he saw in the Keliden Swamp either, but claimed he witnessed another instance of invasion somewhere on the Sleeping Elders Plateau. Tenitz said the Balaurean weapon and a number of other devices suddenly appeared out of thin air and then all disappeared a bit later.

Full quest's text:
Whew, Azuminerk calmed down and talk now, nyerk.

Azuminerk wandering around in Keliden Swamp and see big shadow. So high, nyerk! Azuminerk never saw anything like this! Very terrifying to Shugo, and Azuminerk try to run, but Azuminerk peak back and scaly weapon gone.

Happen so fast, but Azuminerk think it Beritra weapon, nyerk!

Player: "Is that all you saw?"

Weapon disappear! Shugo have no proof! Azuminerk not sure if report should be made.

If Daeva want to know where Azuminerk was, Shugo can tell, but does not confirm anything, nyerk! Azuminerk can tell Daeva not satisfied, but Shugo is very busy! Take this Invasion Detector and investigate Azuminerk's Marked Memory and leave Shugo out of it!

Ah! Azuminerk remember something, nyerk. Someone with Shugo at site. Daeva wishes to know more?

Player: Accept.

Expedition Member Tenitz was witness too, nyerk!

Since Shugo's memory hazy, Daeva should talk to Tenitz if nothing found at Azuminerk's Marked Memory. Tenitz been many places and know more than Shugo.

Tenitz maybe found site in addition to Keliden Swamp, but that all Shugo know! So, leave Azuminerk to Shugo work, nyerk!

Player: "So sorry to have interrupted..."

Player, right?

Did you come in response to my emergency message? No, impossible. I only sent it to the higher ups just now.

I saw something incredible and it left me quite flustered. We have a severe problem on our hands and everyone must know about it.

Player: "Did you see something at the invasion site?

So, you've heard? I'm relieved the higher ups have already started investigating. This is a very grave matter, and we must start preparations immediately.

First, about what happened in the Keliden Swamp when I was with Azuminerk, I barely saw anything myself because it disappeared so quickly. I thought it must have been an illusion.

But today's exploration confirmed the weapon was sent by Beritra's Army. I went farther than usual while exploring Sleeping Elders Plateau and suddenly a massive weapon as well as several other devices appeared out of thin air. I hid before anyone noticed me and collected as much information as I could.

And then... everything just... disappeared. Just as suddenly as they appeared. Even stranger, the weapons began appearing and disappearing... I had a clear view of everything. That's what I call proof!

Basic Reward
icon 3 446 553 XP
icon x 150 660
Additional info
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
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RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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