ID: 23901
[Hero/Group] A Test of Valiance
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Hero
Level: 65
Asmodian Only

Gather the Valiant Mark Bundle and take them to Halia. PlayerGather the Valiant Marks from the Infernal Danuar Reliquary and the Infernal Illuminary Obelisk.
Halia gave you a task prepared for you by Lord Marchutan. You were to earn Valiant Marks from battles in the Infernal Danuar Reliquary and the Infernal Illuminary Obelisk.

When you returned, Halia praised you for impressing all of Asmodae in such a short period.

Full quest's text:
Lord Marchutan believes in you, Player. He believes you have the tenacity and resolve to defeat terribly fierce opponents.

You now have a chance to show us your strength. Crazed Modor is in the Infernal Danuar Reliquary, and Remodeled Dynatoum is in the Infernal Illuminary Obelisk. They must both be defeated.

If you succeed in these battles, return here with the Valiant Marks from both. The Infernal Danuar Reliquary and the Infernal Illuminary Obelisk can only be accessed through their specific entrances. May the darkness follow you.

Player: Accept.

The Empyrean Lord himself chose these tests for you. He has great faith in your capabilities.

Have you earned the faith of the rest of Asmodae, Player?

Have you returned with the Danuar Reliquary Valiant Mark and the Illuminary Obelisk Valiant Mark?

Player: "I have them."

Truly remarkable, Daeva.

In a very short time, you have impressed us all and set a bold example for your comrades.

Walk in Azphel's shadow.

Basic Reward
icon 6 893 106 XP
icon x 225 990
- Water Eternity
Additional info
Quest giverHalia
Recommended level65
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Hero] Fate of the Fierce

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